作品投稿用メールフォーム Email form for submitting works

Please use this email form to post your work.
In the message field, enter the title of the work and comments on the work.
The attached file is up to 10MB per file.
If the number of posts is large or the file is heavy, please post in multiple times or post in a compressed file such as zip.

投稿して頂いた作品に「禁止事項」に抵触する内容があった場合はサイトに掲載できませんので、アンソロジーサイト内の「Project Part1」は必ずご確認ください。
If there is any content that conflicts with the "prohibited matters" in the submitted work, it cannot be posted on the site, so please be sure to check the "Project Part1" on the anthology site.
Please enter your email address or Twitter account.
It is used when the anthology organizer (air pirate cluster) needs to contact you.
If you do not fill in the contact information, we will assume that the organizer has agreed to decide whether or not to publish it.
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    Attach a file or drop a file here.
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